The Saga Continues
Posted: 24 Jul 2020, 04:04
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:
Also to note, you said Chinny removed ping advantage, I bet you played in such server cause otherwise you can only dream to beat Lasstec. I said what I think. You never played honest way. You were in silence only when you lost on Iceworld and SniperBox. Rest barking, shitting, but thanks God, loosing too.
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Noone besides Anax and Dark has balls to play me. I quote, you said Dark is trained by me. He can beat you, he almost did you.
Well not only he could not beat me, even Anax with him could not beat me. So based on that I would say even in bad shape I am way over your league. Man even on USA server you could not win withour manipulations.
Seeing that you keep using me as a point and keep dragging me in your quarrels against Rec, i felt the need to come on here and give my piece of mind in this situation.<-(DD)->Darko wrote:No matter, you said on Discord that DarkSpartan can beat me easy, cause he is trained by you, well my dear friend, in proper server your trainee and Anax both lost against me. Same as you would, difference was big, there I could actually heal like human beign, and change gun from sniper to other weapon, thats why I could kill both in same room and same time in 3 cases.
I guess you need to train better, or they need better trainer. Cause metabolic end product you said on Discord is BS.
You see I trained kid that could make over 50 kills in 10 mins on Sniperbox, he had 7 years, and he did insane things. Well, those 2 things say a lot about how good trainer I am, and how good player I am.
"Sometimes is best not to drop on some level".... urine off with your poetic talk. You threw me under the bus.<-(DD)->Darko wrote:I went too far. I should be smarter.
Not first such person that I see. Maybe also not last, so I should have been smarter.
I appologize, no matter if i was right, there were some better words to use.
Sometimes is best not to drop on some level, sadly I did. What it is it is.
All best