Old Online Game Ressurection

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Old Online Game Ressurection

Post by Meanstreak(BNino) »

In 1999, there was a game called "Silencer" produced by Mind Control Software that was fantastic. It was simple, not-too-horrible graphics for its day, but nothing spectacular, and best of all, it was FREE. An old website, WON.net, used to host many old multiplayer online games. This one in particular was downloadable and multiplayer was hosted on their servers. There were many happy players, including myself at the tender age of ten.

However, at some point in 2002 (about the time I began DX... hmm, coincidence?) WON.net shut down and did the same with their servers. The game faded from my memory. Then recently in a dream, the old though was returned, and I decided to look it up. Turns out, in 2007, some fans of the game began hosting it on their own server, and many players returned. I was overjoyed to hear this!

The game is in old 2D style with a simple plot: Mars has been colonized and everyone hates the government. You are an Agent in a group of cads called "Silencers" who hack computer terminals to obtain government secrets to some end-goal unspecified. In multiplayer, there are a few classes from which to choose, each with certain advantages and weapons. In game, you and several players in up to 8 teams form a base and traverse the map to hack various computer terminals scattered throughout while eliminating your opponent with various projectiles and explosives. When enough information has been collected, a "secret" appears in one of the larger "super" terminals. The game then becomes a sort of capture-the-flag, where one person must collect the secret, then make his way back to base with his movement slowed. Should he be killed, the opposing teams can collect the secret from him and score the points themselves. Collect 3 secrets to win the game.

Imagine an old side-scrolling style Wunderland-based DX game with the classic ATDM style. Each goal attained nets you points, which are used for exchanging for your items and weapons in your base. Like DX, there are turrets, security bots, different abilities per class (to represent augs in this comparison) , hacking, and its just all a HELL of a lot of fun. The only problem is the same that plagues DX itself: its age has dwindled the pool of players/ However I am hoping that posting this topic will increase its popularity. Seriously, if you like DX, you will enjoy this game too. Its free, downloads and installs fast, and plays well on any computer. Give it a try!

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