DXMP Activity

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DXMP Activity

Post by synthetic »

As-is, DXMP activity is led by people who have both means to host a reliable server as well as experience to set it up with good maps etc.

If you have good server, it will have players and perhaps up to daily games. Once in a week it should be nearly full (ca 8-10 player server plus).

To help activity along a good technique is to seed activity by afking in server (kind of works if you see someone joining), or better yet, by playing with 2 or 3 friends. Player sees 4 people in server and will join. It will become 8 within hour or two.

This is how it works. Most important part is to seed activity with at least 2 people or more in server, and clans have an advantage over solo hosts there.

Additional strategies involve going through known clans and scouting their activity as well as promoting your active server.

While some recent admins *cough blade* have opted to leave proven and known cheaters unbanned, I would advise against it. If you want to know why, go try it and see for yourself, you don't need another wall of text from me.

Please be advised that Dani is teaching the same to Phantom (or rather, taking care of it for him), so such strategy can also lead to some more disappointing results. Focus on your own agenda and ignore other servers, is best advice for that. Players aren't all dumb and are able to figure out where is good to play.
If you have set up Nephthys and sufficient patches, any ddos attacks originating from phantom & co will not interrupt your game longer than perhaps one map, usually. More recently it has been closer to 2-4 minutes, which you can survive.

Note on map choice (well not much else for you to configure other than to copy usual popular settings): prefer popular maps, if you have to add personal favourite then be sure to listen player feedback, and soon. If you lack ideas about maps, ask veteran friends.

disclaimer: I take no responsibility if this advice doesn't work for your summon party server where entire clan flies around in ghost mode. Serious advice for serious server.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by TheWolf »

I put up a homehost server for the hell of it... It doesn't hurt anyone
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by DaniSaggenza »

Please be advised that Dani...

Ahh Ken, so you keep thinking on me, I feel praised... :roll: I entered again on this forums after some weeks without caring at all about DX, and I see 15 new posts coming from you, and half of them are talking about how pissed off you are because of me.

Firstly, it's PATHETIC to feel pissed off for someone that you just know through a f*cking computer or a dead game, you might have 28 years but you act like a child of 13 years old, caring about stupid things and giving importance to retarded facts.

Secondly, I find funny the fact that you spend most of your time here writting your thoughts and your useless & not-very-interesting opinion about a dead game, every single DXer with half a brain knows that this game won't be the same anymore, principally, because most of players now have better things to do or just better games to play (at least for them.), yeah, now you all can come against me saying "thats your opinion nub stfu dx forever xdxd" "im not agree this game is epic every single player reinstalls it!!1111!!! "woahhh look at daniii look what she saidd" "dani noob report and ban from fgs forums, etc" but in the deep of you and in the deep of most of the DXers, you all know im right, IN FACT, some time ago I did a little survey to some Steam players about this game, most of them said that it looked ugly and forums had lot of drama, so they would not even give a try to it.

As my gf said, "que salga a la calle y le de un poquitín de aire al tonto ese"


Also you were talking about player activity, but... do you realize that this game maybe had just 20 players past 2 years, and 8 of them are in BB (6 players inactive at least) and the other 4 or 5 are in HVM? (all of them inactive), and im talking about the past 2 years, when THC was already dead and NKz was totally disolved.

Thirdly, you keep saying I killed DX by creating BB or something like that, well, IF I DID, IF I REALLY DID, IN THE DEEP OF ME I CAN SAY THAT I COULD BE EVEN A BIT GLAD, mostly because I finished with a game that was going through agonies, drama, nonsense, stupid fights, and stupid forum discussions (like this one for example.), at least some bad memories will die with it.

So yeah, now you all can say that I was the one who finished with DX or whatever, I'll give much importance to it. (jaja)
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by ~DJ~ »

ur gf is hot. is she single?
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by anax »

Ken that small-print was hilarious, i think we're safe now, most ZxC's seem to have left DXMP and retreated back to their caves where they can pretend to be cats and other animals without leeching players away from normal servers :bwahaha: rest assured nobody will be flying in ghost mode, let's hope if they do it's not during the unlikely event of a serious DXMP match occuring post GameSpy.

Edit: Dani u shlaag don't forget about me, Hey and Ricci :oops: (Lab don't play anoymore)
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by ShadowRunner »

So what you are saying is, I can play on a server where people cheat, play on a server where the owner cheats, or play on a server where the whole clan cheats. These are my options. Thank you.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by anax »

we can sum the situation up with
not my image.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by synthetic »

ShadowRunner wrote:So what you are saying is, I can play on a server where people cheat, play on a server where the owner cheats, or play on a server where the whole clan cheats. These are my options. Thank you.

I am saying that DXMP is as active as you want it to be. Nevermind the cheat servers, make a better one and take care of your visitors.

In reality thats really what DXMP has boiled down to since 2003. Its always been a person or a clan thats kept game going, although random server activity and playercount has obviously gone down. Nochanc was aggressive in his attempts to host a large DXMP server and.. it worked. He also actively recruited at some point so he seeded activity.

AIB has kept DXMP going several years, THC did the same although.. yeah. So basically if you have THE guy to make a good server and bring 2 friends in it, you got a game. If nobody is interested in that, you dont have a game.

When AIB went down, THC kept game going, then HVM, then HK (albeit not up around the clock). After that I guess cheaters took over. Abandoned servers don't really count, though. Ie Machete's or Sunny Side, basically servers with zero admin presence and questionable maps or settings.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by TheWolf »

Okay heres what I'm going to do, it probably won't be effective because you guys don't like to play in North American servers...
Will host a 24/7 btdm server from my laptop

Will host a atdm server that will be started by a batch file and ran whenever my desktop is booted up

Considering paying for one(Not short in money)

Or if we can fix this problem viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4382 then we can get a couple servers out of there

Just a thought, what if we all hosted servers started up by batch files, then we could know whenever someone is online and leave messages in the console for them


Anyone who wants to be an admin can be an admin and can request it from me somewhere on the forums(PM or here), however it'll be revoked if you periodically are a shitty admin


Before anyone asks I will NOT be installing minimtl. Arguing will not change my mind.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by synthetic »

I don't recommend hosting a server without a solid plan in place (beyond just getting a server) and-or some kind of clan or group support (in terms of activity and advice). Generously hosted servers have been empty since at least 2004, most likely even before that, even good and paid ones. Its those social networks between players and clans that fill 1/4 to 1/2 of the server and then random players join activity.

Before hosting a server I'd really recommend one of the following: make a clan, join a clan, or get bunch of friends to play.

It is true that if you host a super standard server with the most popular maps even a solo host can get some activity.. but then you need to know exactly what players like.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by TheWolf »

Eh ken it doesn't hurt to host a server... but getting a clan together in a time like this seems mad
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by synthetic »

I'm just saying.. if you host a random server as-is, you know how it usually ends up. I remember in 2004 there were perhaps about 10 servers at some point or another, and 2-3 had occasional activity. You think the rest 7 admins didnt want people in their server? :p Or same story any year since that.

There is always an opportunity to fill a niche, though. For example, game lacked 0aug server when THC took his down. Rest would host atdm or whatnot, and machete's server suddenly sees regular activity when he hosts 0a. He filled a niche. But on other hand, Sunny Side has been up since 2006 and almost nobody ever plays there. Reason is bad ping but also choice of maps.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by ShadowRunner »

About Sunny Side. I think also the fact that the owner does not play factors hugely in why there is not a "crowd" on that server often, but I would agree, sometimes it is not hosting the maps that people want to play, but then I wonder if that is back to the iceworld argument. For me DXMP_Ratesc is a reason to visit, I just wish it was hosted in other 0-aug servers.
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Re: DXMP Activity

Post by TheWolf »

Got a few guys on
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