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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Here you go, another shame of spanish and english cancer of this game, First they insulted one guy, cause he was best in there, so after I said again nice picture of how you insult best player in server, they started to abuse DD marks and nicks again. This time they abused in Hey's server, this time, mine clan marks, and nicknames of Lucky and Leonardo. That is sick, and sad? Well we knew they have issues right. Who they were? Well Dani and Anax, and one of their friends, there are also proofs how they changed nicknames, but Hey knows that perfectly well. They also spammed in there after I came to film again, so I wonder, I do not know why Hey tolerates that in his server, buit Hey if you watch that, please check logs. Thanks. Here is just one more picture: Nothing new:


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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by Alessi »

Grow the f*** up guys, seriously. ](*,)
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by Mastakilla »

I've had someone join a server with my nickname before, and I had a laugh with him... *love*, it might have been Dani even! No need to get angry. Matter of fact, the more it pisses you off the more they will do it. It's the whole point of them doing it...

Not saying it's right, but there's not much you can do about it, just got to be the ''better person''.
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by TheWolf »

About the christmas thing... if it is a euro only server on those homehosted minimtl servers :clout: I am going to be really pissed off
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by Hey »

TheWolf wrote:About the christmas thing... if it is a euro only server on those homehosted minimtl servers :clout: I am going to be really pissed off

The only euro minimtl server atm is Machete's 0 aug so should be fine.

Oh and hopefully some of the american players will start playing.
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by Solid »

Yah I'm up for playing, just as long as someone notifies me.

FAO Dani:
I left the skype call because i was getting too many notifs, sorry, but Hey can tell me when games are up on steam.
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by synthetic »

I found out how Anax and Dani are keeping game alive:

by playing 1 vs 3 teams in atdm :-D

Not that I mind a practice but they talk as much metabolic end product as darko. No difference.
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by DaniSaggenza »

synthetic wrote:I found out how Anax and Dani are keeping game alive:

by playing 1 vs 3 teams in atdm :-D

Not that I mind a practice but they talk as much metabolic end product as darko. No difference.



(Ken still has a very big head for my pistol)



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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Do not know where to post my last comment on this forum, but I gues what topic will be perfect. Many people know that I just ignore insults of some people. Latest "story" which Anax told to me and other people is that he do not like Dani. But funyn thing when Dani came one day, he was one of most polite people to me, and Anax changed story that he does not hate Dani, what is weird since he tell that always.

About Dani, honestly if that was him I hope he changed, he looked like changed person, I hope that was not act, and in that case bravo Dani, and stay cool.

Now real truth about other people: We all see how they insulted Phantom and Dani. But I will tell you truth, Phantom was very sad when he saw how they use glitches, and raised FPS. But that is not all, on Anax's video you can see how he uses BIND TO USE and not bind to to change buttons, he has instant change and instant heal button, so sorry that is not bind, that is enhanced bind, and modification, and it is hilarious that all defend that since no way you can activate that in any inventory except with modification of ini folder like they did in DX, and for sure you can not do that in UrT game or any other game with default. That is not all, they also use abuses in MTL servers like distant turreting, locpicking, tooling and much much more, you can even change many parameters. Why game does not change that? That is part of honesty which we see here. They always go one step forward and defend that those are not cheats, what will be next step, respawning 5 meds, using consoles? Nice. Sad is that I have not seen Phantom and Full who knows how long, and honestly I understand them, this is shame, If you play in FGS they insult you or ban you for nothing, and if you play in other servers they call you cheater if you beat them. All know I do not support even sniperbind and medbind, but that does not keep them away from insulting me every single time I win.

Last thing which I need to share is this:

Before 1 week they told Darko we should stop fighting, Kai, Anax, Deviant and company. Funny thing I came to R clan to say helolo to friends which I have not seen long time, and there it was, Anax already insulted me with picture (which was not end of them match, and in which he knows he lost), after what I sent final score of same match where I proof that he lies. So that peace was 2 days long. Wow record. ad thing is that also Pratik Palmar known as Specom insulted me there and invited in 1:1 match in Cozmo, and when I accepted, they removed my post, where I proof about some abuses of FGS users (cheese or nobody). Also sad thing (and new to me) is that some french guys attacked me, Phantom and Full? Do not know but thank you guys cause those 2 spoke French. I guess now I am public enemy n1 even for you guys cause I win almost every match, like I do care if I win or lose. Thanks guys. A lot.

Now to even worse things: Before 4-5 days I played in FGS (not with my nick Cheese banned me before 2 years for nothing and lied 2 years that he has not done that, even through some guys here told me that Nobody has not banned me, that it was cheese). Anyway I could not believe when me and one player won on one map. But I guess they could not let that we won on another so he started to use admin console with ghost mode where he first killed and then banned player. Bravo cheese or nobody. I have not seen that someone can get so low. That was not worst thing, they even banned that guy when he said that some dude killing him from nowhere and that he can go through walls. I knew same moment that Cheese, Nobody or whoever he was uses admin console to kill that guy. How sad?

Nah, not over yet. There is even more. I was today in FGS, and I saw one kid which talked, walked on map, I have not killed him, but there was one other guy which after few minutes started killing him even through he was unarmed, and had no desire to fight. He asked me for help so I changed team I killed that guy 2 times preety easy, he had not hit me at least once, and at score 2:0 he kbanned me. I am preety sure he killed child more times after that. I wonder how sad must be someone to do such thing. I mean kid was unarmed, he asked me for help and when Cheese or Nobody saw he will lose if we continue to fight, he banned me, and preety sure he continued to kill that kid. Honestly I am almost 100 % sure, or I want to believe that was cheese, and not Nobody, cause that would be sad to believe. That suits more to cheese. He is that one which banned me before 2 years for no reason at all when anax took my nick and insulted people, and when anax saw that he can do same on all server my reputation as good friend and player was ruined orever, so thank you Cheese. Nice to see how low you can drop, or whoever from your clan that was.

Is it over, oh, no no, sadly no. Shorty after that some guy came, and had nick Prequel. I had no reason to believe he would fight or anything, but he did get weapons and started to kill me in 17 fun server where is really hard to get weapons. When I finally came to weapons I killed him easy, and you gues right, he left scared cause he knew he will not see weapons anymore cause I will not let him same as he did not let me.

That dude was so arogant to invite me to zero augs, we played in zxc where I have huge ping, but he insulted me, and you guess right he lost, he even RQ but he returned and tried again, but final score for him was even worse. Who he was, Cheese or anax. I told him, please come to AiB. There I saw that he has admin abilities. Since I know for sure that Hey would not drop so low, and for sure not some AiB pro player, that could be only Cheese or Anax. Thank you for insults Cheese or Anax, here is reminder on 1:1 match in zero augs which you had in mind last few days. Next time do not kill kids, do not RQ, and do not call me cheater, cause you and me both know that I am ready fight against you or anyone for 1000 euro in reality, because I am one of rare people which play only with original setup from inventory, I do not use any changes in ini file as 99 % percent of you which abuse on any possible level.

First kill, and then massive trolling from his side before he left scared

Picture how he ragequit

Picutre how he returned, changed shameful nick and lost (you can see from result it was same person) Since he had admin in AiB server that could be only Cheese or Anax.

Now I must ask myself, how is possible that such people have so big respect, so much admin consoles in so much servers, and that they are one of most trusted coders in community, and all allow them to abuse game, and to kick and insult other players, and even abuse nicks of other people and and film fake fights like they did with Prequel's nick, cause I am sure that was not Prequel. Cheese and Anax, why you dod that? Oh right, it is funny how Cheese and Anax telling you all how we must return in game, how game is live, but just 2 days later they attacked me and other people on forums (check R clan), and soon after that they started to abuse admin consoles and ban me and other people from servers. So tell me why you all trsut to such people, why you support them in that. You can look many topics in here and you will see how both Anax and Cheese telling all the time that DX is dead. So they want to ruin that game. But message for all such people like anax and cheese. I will continue to play dx, you cant beat me, and for sure you can not to a thing to make me stop playing. Shame yourself whoever that was.

I was banned on who knows how many servers, but to be banned just because I helped one kid to win in game, where noone said one wrong word, that is really sad level even for FGS. As I said I hope that was not Nobody, and then we all know who could it be. Ps: Kai and Nikki, thanks for insults in 17 server also, I guess only you know why you insulted me, but no problem it is cool. There are others server where people can play without insults or ban.

From today I avoid all servers which are not worth enough. DO not let them to ruin game.

Wish all best to all player and I hope see you in game.
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by synthetic »

Its been a few years now since we've had the pleasure of making acquaintance, but I still haven't figured out if you are an overly obsessed troll (similarly to dani tbh) or just suffering from significant retardation. Is there any chance you might reveal us one day which one of the two is correct?
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You will be welcome to any server so that you receive massive ass kicking. Oh pardon me you already received ass kicking, that makes you so angry, at least I never hide my nick, cause I never lose, and even when I lose that is mostly against few users together, and only with 1 frag. AskFish how hw was shamed with one more guy against me. 34:32. Wow Fish legend, and one more guy, massive ass kicking. But do not worry same will be reserved for you and all trolls similar to you. Please do not hide with nick player, I will be more happy to see your "pro" nickname with your whole abuses which will not help you when I kick your ass.

There is no point to spend time on people like you anax or Cheese which want to ruin this game. I can only feel sad for you and laugh.

To others normal people all best and see ya in game.
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by Saroyen »

Why is itt I break from deusex for 3 months and on return I see again the same metabolic end product! No problem Darko, I have your abuser under a UNATCO boot 8-)

And how can he be flying? in deus ex you do not fly that is cheating.
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Darko LAY OFF THE DRUGS KID. If your not on drugs I suggest you start taking some ASAP. Run the game :bwahaha: I make maps for FGS and play a few games when I have time to.
The only thing I run is my own life. Try getting one Darko it's quite fun. Instead you moan and bitch like a LITTLE GIRL about things that don't even matter or make sense. And get ya dam facts right about me before you through your toys out your pram. And to think I stood up for you for quite a while :clout:
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by anax »

Darko, normally I call people who put "tl;dr" lazy.
But your epic novels put me to sleep... I can barely bother to comprehend it. :bwahaha:
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Only enter here if you have a bit of common sense.

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Usually, I'm the lazy "tl;dr" guy.. but I really read approx 80% of the text, incredible! :oops:
And I must say I'm ashamed..
I cannot believe it but Darko is definitely right in one point..

He's right with his assumption that I was not the one that banned him.. and that where I'm always talking of giving him bananas.. 8-[
I am such a hypocrite.. :---)

But Darko, you poor scourged person.. You really have not deserved to be part of such a corrupt community, full of Nazi-Admins and bug abusers.
You should move on from this chapter and look forward to something new. I heared there's a new version of Plants vs Zombies.. perhaps this is more suitable for your stressed nerves. :-k
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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