My maps Ive created this year

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My maps Ive created this year

Post by Leenuks »

First is my Castlewars map based on Runescape Castlewars.
Runescape Castlewars

And my almost completed map I was doing for the Alpha competition.

Go here for images of my map.

Mapping 2008 Comp

I Wrote on my thread there the following. Same goes for here use my map as you like.
Take my map as complete. I will not work on it anymore.

Why, a couple of reasons.

1. Im pissed off with the nature of some in the community who act
very childish and then call me childish for standing up for myself.
2. Also my health has deminished greatly that its hard to sit at my
computer and concentrate anymore and put up with the attitudes
I encounter. Some bad eggs have turned me away from this game.

Anyone feel free to use my map in any way you like, update it, fix it,
add to it, delete it, I dont care as long as Im noted as the original creator.

BYE for now.
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Post by chin.democ. »

you should post these on the factory

/factory plug for the day.
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Post by ShadowRunner »

Leenuks that's really cool...

1. Do you want any hosted on Altfire?


3. This is the wrong section for the downloads of maps.

Plz take a look at: ... ge=english
notice in top right underneath "forum" is a button "downloads"...
(actually would be downloads/deusex/maps)
welcome to the archives! (Register for download)

thanks for sharing the work though and Factory would be a good place too.
~ banhammered ~
~ banhammered ~
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Post by ~ »

I believe this is why many have lost interest in this community anyway
great maps.
Leenuks wrote: "
Take my map as complete. I will not work on it anymore.

Why, a couple of reasons.

1. Im pissed off with the nature of some in the community who act
very childish and then call me childish for standing up for myself.
2. Also my health has deminished greatly that its hard to sit at my
computer and concentrate anymore and put up with the attitudes
I encounter. Some bad eggs have turned me away from this game.

Anyone feel free to use my map in any way you like, update it, fix it,
add to it, delete it, I dont care as long as Im noted as the original creator.

BYE for now.

Banned on Alpha for making Elemental urine again...
[FGS] warn cause they are weak and have cry babies LOL ....
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Post by Kuchcik »


Hey, about that statement of yours: that's great and I'm feeling that you are quite an opensource man ;)
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Post by Leenuks »

Feel free to host my maps. It would be nice to test them out properly but I am unable to host them myself.

The Castlewars map would be good on altfire as I feel the gep gun on this map is overpowered because you can gep the spawn area easily.

Open source, yes. I am a linux junky after all.
Next week Ill be formatting my hard drive and running linux only. Only reason I had windows installed was to play games that linux wont run.

The Computek map is a bit large but so are some of the maps already hosted. The cdroms and hard drives on this map would make a rather fast paced map on its own.
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Post by ~ »

you can test lan i think that's usually how i test mine.

Banned on Alpha for making Elemental urine again...
[FGS] warn cause they are weak and have cry babies LOL ....
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Post by Kuchcik »

Only reason I had windows installed was to play games that linux wont run.
Now there's a stable version of WINE so many games will work good on linux ;)

Again, it's great to share and give out your knowledge to everyone and let them learn. MapProtectionTool was the biggest fail ever. Yeah, renaming the maps and not giving the credit to author is lame, but hey, this community is so small, and we need mappers/modders.

Great job.
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Post by ShadowRunner »

As soon as I have removed the gremlins from my PC...

we'll organize testing and arrange a time with you and make sure that the maps get played and tested... then leave the maps on for about a week. If any are suitable for Altfire, we'll leave them on the server...
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