This is a huge text, so I'll make a little TL:DR in case you're really festive.
TL:DR -> Happy new year.
happy new year's, everyone, i hope everyone's cool and good, enjoying in happy in game in day, etc etc
so, this site's largely a cobwebbed one, with large regions of it gathering dust for many years it seems; with nothing but the occasional "Clear!" and a shock from the bots' defibrillators, maybe in some despairing attempt for some poor inferior human fleshbodied sod to download their whatsapp patch or whatever, either way, here's to 2023 being an even better year for this game, (hopefully im not jinxing anything saying that) and here's to hoping some get over themselves in order to play again, be it for a one-off-fun game or to re-involve themselves in the scene, come on lads, there's always servers up, you know you wanna
happy new year, lots of love - Big "M" (Mac) Sailor
enjoy in day
New Year's Sneeze
- Angel/0A
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 26 Oct 2020, 21:16
- Location: DXMP_Smuggler
New Year's Sneeze
i go to rio, de janeiro, my oh me oh