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Post by Vexus »

Even Dink Smallwood is a more active community than Deus Ex...

and probably very few of you even know what Dink Smallwood is...
ShadowRunner wrote:lolz, the mayhem of this thread is huge...
~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Is there anything I can put in your mouth to make you stop talking rubbish? :-s
anax wrote:wow you are amazing. like this woman
[FGS]Kalman wrote:Lol I thought for 2-3 months everybody talks like a sir here, then I realised it's the forum's censorship
~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Oh my god.. why are small minded people just so... SMALL MINDED! ](*,)
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Re: Damn...

Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

Since the official master server went offline there's no reason the community should be active. I always thought that the story mode was the best part of the DX experience anyway and thankfully that's still accessible to anybody who's interested. That said it does hurt to see a once thriving community fade into a memory but at least it's a memory we all share!
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Re: Damn...

Post by synthetic »

ATDM experience was pretty unique and engaging, during 12 years I had very rare opportunities to enjoy a real game because it had already died down by late 2003 early 2004, but.. it is probably most interesting game I've seen anywhere. BTDM was boring and 0a offered us some typical online shooter fun for some.. few years. I played most of the active online mods but never found them to be particularly fun in the long run, that basketball game Alpha hosted was more fun for me than altfire, but obviously its personal preference. Or the ammocrate minecraft kinda build servers.

Unfortunately it is true that the "point" is somehow lost when official support goes down, fan solutions are really just for the diehard fans and that doesn't last forever. Whatever number of players you'd see online, from 2004 you'd have to divide by 2, occasionally by 3, and you'd only then get the number of players that would play your gametype. After masterserver went, you'd have to divide the number by 4 or 5 already: 0augers, atdm old farts, altfire, some niche mod and funserver fans, phantom's lemonparty server fanbase. So, say we got 15 players tops some top time, you would divide it by 5 and you end up with 3 players per server. When you realize youre only ever going to fight with or against 3 other players, you just go play another game, and thus gradually the 15 turns into 5, then.. 0-1.

I'm currently playing another online game from 2001, so I see lot of similar issues, although the game has maybe 100-200 players. Since its an mmo, as soon as masterserver goes down, itll turn into 10-20 players, and it is a matter of year or three.
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Re: Damn...

Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

I don't disagree with anything you're saying but where did you get those numbers? :-D
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Re: Damn...

Post by Mastakilla »

Stop going off topic, this is obviously about Dink Smallwood and the mystery of what the heck it is
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Re: Damn...

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ wrote:I don't disagree with anything you're saying but where did you get those numbers? :-D
I think from the keys that are above the qwertzuiopü keys on the keyboard!
Mastakilla wrote:Stop going off topic, this is obviously about Dink Smallwood and the mystery of what the heck it is
Perhaps, as German clan, we should invade them! :matrix: :-D
Nobody is perfect...
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Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
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Re: Damn...

Post by synthetic »

Numbers? Well, 2004 it was 99% 0a but from 2005 already you can divide community by 2 because half the people you saw played 0a and wanted to hear nothing of atdm, whereas roughly same numbers did not want to play 0a. So while you are able to count the people in servers with server statistics, you yourself will only get to play half of them, unless you happened to be one of the few that played all gametypes.

And post-MS death I explained already how you could theoretically divide your maybe 15 players you see with your own eyes in DXMP as a whole when you look at server list, but when you begin to pay attention to what servers someone is actually in, you notice that in order to play ca 3 of those players youd need to appreciate hax, for ca 3 players its important to play in some random last nights build servers with 100 mods, for 3 players best thing in world is iceworld 24/7 and 3 players are camping walls with rifles in altfire. And maybe you find 3 players that want to play atdm. You can argue that maybe 15 players is too much or too little to reflect the realism of any given timeframe, but you cant argue that at this point you'd be dividing the playerbase more than ever before.

edit: I have no idea what Dink Smallwood is and I'm not sure I want to know. Probably x rated version of minecraft.
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Re: Damn...

Post by Mastakilla »

Again the 99% 0 aug seems like a made up statistic which I think Krisz was getting at

But keep on fighting the good fight meight
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Re: Damn...

Post by synthetic »

So I am making it up? You know how much I used to play this game? I think the only person that maybe even comes close to in terms of hours played is Ricci.
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Re: Damn...

Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

Yea Nick wtf man
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Re: Damn...

Post by synthetic »

If you try to make any statistical sense of DXMP, you come to entirely depressing results no matter what year, era, or gametype you look at. So I concluded already good while ago that it is those rare memories of good proper dxmp gaming that count for anything at all, and apparently there aren't an awful lot of those. I've played several dozens of clan wars (i think ca 30-40, somewhere inbetween that), countless full server games in main gametypes, but I can only really recall few games where people just.. played.. and played well. Every other game something weird is happening, be it door blocking or cheating or spamming or.. yeah. But when you have at least half a server or preferably more than that of focused experienced players, its just magic. I remember watching DDM, BGA, Amme and others dish it out on Smuggler, and I thought Amme looked like a terminator back then. Some very nice games happened on Cathedral too, when decent players played it.
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Re: Damn...

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Amen to that
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Re: Damn...

Post by Tidus »

you expect ppl to go out of their way and check some clanforums and whatnot to get into DXMP games these days when the main server is offline? mhm i would not do i honestly for any other game and that counts for many towards deus ex.

Also i would say that the main focus is the singleplayer still and in my opinion any other mode expect zero aug (offical mods that is) is just boring and unbalanced.
Augs where... eh not fun to say the least but each their own.

Best mods for me are altfire and old DXSG stuff noodz hosted with the tactical weapons. so much fun :)

also who is this Dink you are talking about and why does his small wood bothers you \:D/
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Re: Damn...

Post by Mastakilla »

~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ wrote:Yea Nick wtf man
XD <3

Also Dink motherfucking Smallwood or Small Dinklewood
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Re: Damn...

Post by ShadowRunner »

Just seems even with cheating sorted, the game is old for serious players. I liked the way things were going with large servers and large maps and more RPG or co-op play. Seems there were very few combinations of gametype, server and weapons where everyone was happy to some extent and getting a good game and often those servers would get attacked by both extremes in the community.

Some of the last games I played were totally new experiences for me, Cozmo RPG, Cagematch, WW2 with vehicles, large cities that people chilled or adventured in, co-op prison maps, chatting with a bot in a city, Facetown, unfinished Stargate maptests, UR maps, Antarctica etc, so much of the best stuff is unfinished and has not been seen by many people. It takes months to make, is old hard to video well, but hey it's still the best game ever written and played.
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